'Runt' is a heartfelt and hilarious contemporary Australian family film based on the best-selling and critically acclaimed novel by Craig Silvey. It tells the story of eleven-year-old Annie Shearer (Lily LaTorre) and her best friend, an adopted stray dog called Runt, as they try to save their family farm in the country town of Upson Downs.
Annie and Runt share an unbreakable bond. Runt's exceptional speed and acrobatics are perfect for herding sheep, but Annie discovers a more ambitious use for his talents – the Agility Course Championships at the lucrative Krumpets Dog Show in London.
Many obstacles stand in their way. There's Fergus Fink (Matt Day), an unscrupulous dog handler. Earl Robert-Barren (Jack Thompson) a greedy land-owner intent on acquiring the Shearer property. And a strange quirk: Runt will only obey Annie's commands when nobody else is watching.
To overcome these hurdles, Annie enlists the help of her mother Susie (Celeste Barber) - the nation's worst baker, her father Bryan (Jai Courtney) who harbours a secret passion, her daredevil brother Max (Jack LaTorre), her widow grandmother Dolly (Genevieve Lemon) and Bernadette Box (Deborah Mailman) a mysterious retired champion.
With all eyes on them, Annie and Runt try to beat the odds in this sincere and charming tale of kindness, friendship, tunnels, see-saws, slaloms, and, above all, living your truth.
To celebrate the release of 'Runt' in cinemas, we're giving you the chance to win a family pass.
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