The story follows Eleanor and Conor who are young, in love, and eager to start building their life together, when a tragic event threatens to destroy everything that they hold close to their hearts. As they struggle to cope, they discover within themselves and each other a strength and a capacity for forgiveness that may keep their love - and dreams - alive.
Win one of five copies of 'The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Them'.
‘The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby’ is an accomplished, rich and rewarding film, executed by Ned Benson with great care and skill.
This isn't beautiful, graceful or artistic filmmaking - if anything, it's almost doco style, following Conor as he follows Eleanor around New York City.
'Her' is and intriguing yet slow-moving affair. It's a work of pregnant pauses and dramatic moments, brought to the screen by characters not entirely certain of where their lives are heading.