Enn is a shy teenage punk rocker in 70s suburban England, with two close friends, Vic and John. One night they all sneak into a party where they meet a group of seemingly otherworldly girls; at first they think it’s a cult, but eventually come to realise the girls are actually from another world - outer space.
The leaders of this alien colony have a wicked plan in mind, but that doesn’t stop Enn from falling madly in love with Zan, one of the colony’s key members. Their burgeoning romance sets in motion a series of increasingly sensational events that will lead to the ultimate showdown of punks versus aliens, and test the bonds of friendship, family, and true love.
It’s such a barmy, bat-shit blast of a film that its many flaws can’t rob it of its natural and infectious charm. It’s a sweet romance wrapped in punk philosophy and 70s sci-fi psychedelia.