'War On Everyone' follows corrupt cops Terry (Alexander Skarsgård) and Bob (Michael Peña) as they break the law for a living in New Mexico. After the crooked pair come up against criminal kingpin, James Mangan (Theo James), things get very, very personal.
No longer just about the money, Terry and Bob put everything on the line in this politically incorrect, bad cop-bad cop black comedy.
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Competition opens at 5:00pm AEDT on Wednesday 9th November 2016 and closes at 11:59 pm AEDT on Tuesday 15th November 2016. Five winners will be chosen at random on Wednesday 16th November 2016. To successfully win, entrants must fulfil the above entry conditions before the time the competition closes. Current members/followers are eligible to enter the competition. Only one entry per person. Only one winner per household. To be a valid winner, the entrant must not have won a prize from SWITCH within the last 28 days. Each winner will receive one double pass to 'War On Everyone'. By entering, you agree to receive occasional emails from SWITCH in the future. If you decide to unsubscribe from these updates, any further entries will not be applicable. Only Australian residents are eligible to enter.