In 19th century Italy, young Pinocchio is brought to life by a brilliant woodcarver Maestro Jepetto, but sadly runs away from his master's home, eager to see the world.
Joining a travelling circus, run by the cunning hustler, Modjafocco, Pinocchio soon becomes the show’s top attraction, unaware that Modjafocco’s minions are robbing the houses of those who attend his shows. Desperately in love with gymnast Bella, who is also Modjafocco’s foster daughter, Pinocchio decides to seek the help of a witch who goes by the name of Lucilde and thus embarks upon an incredible journey in his quest to become a real boy century Italy, young Pinocchio is brought to life by a brilliant woodcarver Maestro Jepetto, but sadly runs away from his master's home, eager to see the world.
Joining a travelling circus, run by the cunning hustler, Modjafocco, Pinocchio soon becomes the show’s top attraction, unaware that Modjafocco’s minions are robbing the houses of those who attend his shows. Desperately in love with gymnast Bella, who is also Modjafocco’s foster daughter, Pinocchio decides to seek the help of a witch who goes by the name of Lucilde and thus embarks upon an incredible journey in his quest to become a real boy.
To celebrate the release of 'Pinocchio: A True Story' in cinemas, we're giving you the chance to win a family pass.
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