Only three centuries ago, setting out to climb a mountain would have been considered close to lunacy. Mountains were places of peril, not beauty, an upper world to be shunned, not sought out. Why do mountains now hold us spellbound, drawing us into their dominion, often at the cost of our lives? 'Mountain' is a cinematic and musical collaboration between acclaimed director Jennifer Peedom (Sherpa) and the Australian Chamber Orchestra (ACO), one of the greatest chamber orchestras in the world. Shot by the world’s best adventure cinematographers and written by bestselling author Robert Macfarlane, this feature documentary will explore the troubled and triumphant history of our timeless fascination with mountains.

Pieced together from more than 2,000 hours of footage shot in 15 countries, ‘Mountain’ is a 70-minute tribute to the adventurers who are willing to risk their lives climbing the world’s great heights.