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By Chris dos Santos
2nd January 2022

There are many things that exist to purely be name brand recognition, especially in the world of animated kids' films. 'The Boss Baby: Family Business', 'Scoob!', 'The Angry Birds Movie 2', 'Playmobile: The Movie', 'Ugly Dolls', 'Sherlock Gnomes'... this list could be infinite, but all of these attempt to use the "brand" to get butts on seats. There is no finer example then the current incarnation of 'The Addams Family' - and for some reason, it's goddamm sequel.


'The Addams Family 2' sees the clan go on a road trip in an attempt to reconnect as a family. Wednesday (Chloë Grace Moretz, 'Tom & Jerry', 'Greta') feels like an outsider and Gomez (Oscar Issac, 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker', 'Dune') is determined to make her feel a part of the family. But when Cyrus Strange (Bill Hader, 'It Chapter 2', 'Trainwreck') arrives, a scientist claiming to be Wednesday's biological father, she turns to him due to their shared love of science. However, he has sinister plans - so the Addams must team up not only to save Wednesday, but prove who her biological parents are.

It's a time-waster for the audience and simply something to make a quick buck.

Here is the first thing that just simply doesn't work - Wednesday feeling out of place. She was always the smarter one, but being an Addams is a part of who she is. While she does make fun of her family - especially her brother - she will always stick up for them. 'Addams Family' stories work best when it's them vs an external force; internal conflict just feels forced and generic. Finding your identity stories take up so many kids' films, and though I see the reason why they went this route, it's handled completely wrong.

The film is a massive downgrade from the first, which was already tried and bland. It has so little to offer; from cheap animation to unfunny jokes, it serves as such a filler movie. It's a time-waster for the audience and simply something to make a quick buck.

The Addams also just don't fit the modern children's film landscape. There is a world where this could work, but the creative team really does not care to take the time to inject humour and life into this series. Both films feel like bland stories that they simply place these iconic characters into.

'The Addams Family 2' takes the first movie's failures just runs them dry. There is nothing new or elevated here, with absolutely no reason to see it unless every other kid's film is sold out and this is an absolute last resort.

RELEASE DATE: 06/01/2022
RUN TIME: 01h 32m
CAST: Oscar Isaac
Charlize Theron
Chloë Grace Moretz
Nick Kroll
Bette Midler
Elsie Fisher
Allison Janney
Javon 'Wanna' Walton
Wallace Shawn
Snoop Dogg
DIRECTORS: Conrad Vernon
Greg Tiernan
WRITERS: Dan Hernandez
Benji Samit
PRODUCERS: Gail Berman
Andrew Mittman
SCORE: Mychael Danna And Jeff Danna

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