The Beatles said it best when they sung, "I get by with a little help from my friends." It's safe to say that friendship is the key to PHOX's success: this burgeoning Wisconsin band comprises of six individuals who went to high school together. Since graduating and going their separate ways, they were drawn back to their home town, as if by some gravitational force, to live and perform together. And what gorgeous music they make - indie infused with an abundance of other styles. This is precisely what makes their debut self-titled album so delightful to listen to - it's never the same sound for any longer than the length of a song.

Their diversity comes in many forms. Opening track 'Calico Man' is a powerful sample of what's in store: a true testament to the band's musical talent, the track is about as stripped-back as you can imagine. The first single from the album, 'Slow Motion', manifests its catchiness through its drum beats, whistling, and (dare I say it) a charming banjo. '1936' is a folk tune at heart, and an utterly infectious one at that - undertones of acoustic guitar brighten the gentle, mesmerising lyrics. On the other hand, 'Laura' is deep, soulful and heartfelt.
Then there's the unwavering beauty of their songs. Most are impressively constructed with peaks and troughs of sound, lulling you into a false sense of serenity, then blasting you with luscious, vibrant sounds. There are moments of pure joy, like in 'Evil', which escalates towards a vocal harmony that is nothing short of fixating.
What gorgeous music they make - indie infused with an abundance of other styles.
The secret to PHOX's success is lead singer Monica Martin's voice. It completely and wholly adorns every track, instruments sparse yet carefully composed behind her. Not dissimilar in style and texture to London Grammar frontwoman Hannah Reid, Martin's impeccable powerhouse voice beautifully brings to life the intimate and emotive lyrics, wonderfully complex constructions that are so easy to listen to.
If you haven't heard the work of PHOX - and chances are, you haven't - they are well worth seeking out. They exude a raw, genuine talent that still remains largely undiscovered. Take the time and effort to check out this diamond in the rough; its mystery and beauty will surprise you.
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