I love Christmas - not so much the day itself, but the season. Decorating, listening to Christmas music, and most of all, watching Christmas movies gives me so much joy. There is one Christmas movie that reigns supreme: Arnie and his journey to get the Turbo-Man doll for Jamie.
For those not fortunate enough yet to experience the 1996 magnum opus, 'Jingle All the Way' tells the classic story of a workaholic dad who has forgotten to get his son the hottest toy on the market, the aforementioned Turbo-Man doll. He spends his Christmas Eve searching everywhere for the sold-out doll, and he is quickly accompanied by Myron, a mailman who is also trying to track down the doll. Hijinks ensue as the race to save Christmas is on.

Similar to 'Space Jam', which was released the same year, there's something so quintessentially 1990s about 'Jingle All the Way'. They both have a similar concept: a "cynical" look at commercialism, while being the extract thing it thinks it's sending up. It also serves as a perfect time capsule of the 90s - the bonkers pairing of action star Arnold Schwarzenegger and comedian Sinbad, the central plot focusing on a toy selling out and making parents go crazy looking for it, as well as scenes taking place at the extremely 90s 'Mall of America'. It's one of those pieces of media that wouldn't work in any other decade. They proved that true with 'Jingle All the Way 2' in 2014 with... Larry the Cable Guy.
'Jingle All the Way' is incredibly quotable, and I think that's what has given it its longevity rather than its Christmas setting. "I need to get the Turbo Man Doll for Jamie!" (said in your worst Arnie impersonation) and the incredible, the groundbreaking, the game-changing 'Put that cookie down!'
'Jingle All the Way' is incredibly quotable, and I think that's what has given it its longevity rather than its Christmas setting. "I need to get the Turbo Man Doll for Jamie!" (said in your worst Arnie impersonation) and the incredible, the groundbreaking, the game-changing 'Put that cookie down!'
The made-up Turbo Man doll, which is really just a knock-off of the 'Power Rangers' series, adds a lot of nostalgia to this title. The world they create for the doll is interesting, and makes it more unique than if they'd gotten the rights to a pre-existing toy. A little ironically, the movie was based on the 1980s shopping craze, with 'Cabbage Patch' dolls the year it was released timed with the absolutely insane 'Tickle Me Elmo' craze.
'Jingle All the Way' is as wild as it sounds, and for the past 25 years, it's been my must-watch Christmas title. It's simply not the season without it, so bake some cookies and enjoy the ride that is 'Jingle all the Way'.